Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Operation: Nachtfalke Even More Advanced Rules

Actually, less of an advanced rules and more of a hybridization. Alpha Strike is tough w/the current way Nacht is set up to implement. And normal Total Warfare BTech is tough for large scale games.

So, for vehicles/tanks and battle armor formations, which are weird in BTech either way, I think using the Alpha Strike card might work. Units would be subject to the standard AS rules for range - 1 to 3 hexes for short, 4 to 12 for medium, 13 to 24 for long, with their damage inflicted pursuant to the range bracket. Instead of 2d6 against the target's TN, it'll be 1d12 per point of damage possible (like we currently do in AS games) and any hit will be like a 10pt damage attack, hit location rolled for normal.This means that battle armor is potentially way overpowered and something like a Carnivore, if the dice gods are good, could smash out 70 pts of damage in one turn, but it's an acceptable alternative to combined arms issues that arise in Total Warfare.

On the flip side, any hit against an AS unit will do base damage/10, rounded up w/a minimum of 1. So a 'Mech with a ton of medium lasers is potentially the biggest nightmare to an AS unit since one with 4ER PPCs could still only do a maximum of 8pts of damage versus 20 medium lasers which could do 20pts total. Dice gods willing. TN would work mostly the same - TMM basically translates straight across for move distance, with the caveat that a unit would have to move more than half max distance for full TMM or half TMM (round down) for less than half move. Otherwise hovercraft would be nuts to hit. 

Most other rules work as written with just the adjustment made for terminology. Obviously no driving or piloting SPAs will matter and skill improvement costs work with just the one number since they're an aggregate anyway. I'll have to playtest this some though. That'll be my plan for the week.


  1. Having spent some time with other books, the Alpha Strike notes in the Chaos Campaign for Battle of Tukkayid give some solid conversion advice that I might crib for use in Operation: Nachtfalke, which predates Catalyst as a company, let alone the Chaos Campaign stuff itself.

    (For those keeping track, the 357th has been around at least since the BattleTech Compendium, but officially originally used the BattleTech Master Rules as our "bible" before going into Total Warfare etc).

  2. Hi there. I just moved back to Omaha/Bellevue area and am looking for a battletech group to join.
