Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Rending of Falcons - Unit Spotlight: Clan Jade Falcon

Birbs. Big green birbs. And my second oldest still-existing unit, thanks to the star of Elementals that were painted by a great guy a long, long time ago. I went with basic "Falcon-flage" per the Jade Falcon Sourcebook for the majority of these, with the Turkina Keshik being a relatively new addition.

The original plan was to have a decent representation of staple Falcon designs, including those used by notable Khans or Galaxy Commanders to fight against my Wolves, or to run the Dragon Roars/Twilight of the Clans scenarios. Later, as the force was used more, I went with a more utilitarian route. Minus the three 'Mechs I still need for the Turkina Keshik, I'm fairly comfortable calling my Falcons "completed," though I may look at another canon Galaxy scheme in the future. 

(The Roadrunner/Emerald Harrier is a newer release but it's a Falcon design from the initial Clan Invasion, even if it eventually fell into disuse in canon. I like the little light guy though.And the one-armed Incubus/Vixen has been repaired since the pic was taken.)

Turkina Keshik
Location: Graus
Commander: Galaxy Commander Malvina Hazen

Command Star
Shrike 3 - Galaxy Commander Malvina Hazen
Gyrfalcon 3 - Galaxy Commander Aleksandr Hazen
Hierofalcon A - Quinn Kerensky
Eyrie - MechWarrior Tryst
Jade Hawk - Galaxy Commander Stefanie Chistu

Second Star
Jupiter II - Galaxy Commander Beckett Malthus
Mad Cat/Timberwolf JF - Aidan Pryde
Vulture/Mad Dog Prime - Ruel Chistu
Wakazashi - Nicolai Malthus
Flamerge A

Generic Camo Scheme
Commander: Khan Marthe Pryde


Command Star
Thor/Summoner Prime - Khan Marthe Pryde
Loki/Hellbringer Prime
Cauldron-Born/Ebon Jaguar A
Stooping Hawk Prime
Black Hawk/Nova Prime - saKhan Samantha Clees

Assault Star
Turkina A - Star Colonel Jana Pryde
Aesalan - Noritomo Helmer
Scylla 2
Kraken/Bane 4

Strike Star
Black Lanner Prime
Griffin IIC
Cougar Prime
Vixen/Incubus 2
Fire Falcon Prime

Red Corsair Star
BattleMaster C - Star Commander Nekane Hazen
Grendel/Mongrel Prime
Shadow Cat II
Roadrunner/Emerald Harrier
Roadrunner/Emerald Harrier

Infantry Star
Elemental Point
Elemental Point
Elemental Point
Elemental Point
Elemental Point

Clan Jade Falcon, Kappa Galaxy
Unit Commander - Galaxy Commander
Aide de Camp -
Location – Jade Falcom Occupation Zone
(CGL Plastics, start of a new unit!)

Binary Alpha

Cluster/Binary Alpha Command Star

Turkina Prime
Night Gyr Prime
Linebacker A
Cougar Prime
Kit Fox A

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