Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tetanus Shot Time - Unit Spotlight: Clan Steel Viper

Invasion-era Clan Steel Viper force, mostly built with Kickstarter rewards, minus the Star of Elementals. Both Khans are in their "canon" chassis, though I'd not bothered to deep-dive on their specific configurations, and both are odd choices since neither 'Mech is particularly amazing.

(So, between my older-posted Smoke Jaguars and this post Steel Vipers, I still have two companies of IS 'Mechs to form a third unit. Three out of one KS is not too shabby at all.)
(Turns out I was wrong - the Battle Cobra Prime is actually a lot better in practice than it looks on paper.)

6 (7) Front-Line Stars
1 (2) Second-Line Star
3 (4) Klondike/Second-Line/Solahma Stars (w/SL "Royals")

Clan Steel Viper, Alpha Galaxy, 1st Viper Guards
Unit Commander - Khan Natalie Breen
Aide de Camp - saKhan Perigard Zalman
Location - Clan Homeworlds

Cluster/Trinary Alpha Command Star
Crossbow Prime - Khan Natalie Breen
Mad Dog Prime
Mad Dog Prime
Timberwolf Prime
Crossbow Prime

Trinary Alpha Battle Star
Executioner Prime
Gargoyle B
Hellbringer Prime
Shadow Cat Prime
Nova A

Trinary Alpha Heavy Star
Marauder IIC
Warhammer IIC
Hunchback IIC

Supernova Bravo Command Star
Battle Cobra B - saKhan Perigard Zalman
Ice Ferret Prime
Grendel D
Mist Lynx C
Adder Prime

Supernova Bravo Striker Nova

Nova Prime
Stormcrow Kotare
Black Lanner Prime
Viper A
Grendel Prime
Elemental Point
Elemental Point
Elemental Point
Elemental Point
Elemental Point

Supernova Bravo Ad-Hoc Star

Kingfisher Prime
Gladiator Prime
Huntsman Prime
Nova Prime
Adder Prime

Trinary Charlie Command Star

Atlas II AS7-D-H
Thug THG-11Eb
Marauder MAD-3R
Archer ARC-Rb
Rifleman II RFL-3N-2

Trinary Charlie Assault Star
King Crab KGC-010
Highlander HGN-732J
Black Knight BL-6b-KNT
Crockett CRK-5003-1b
Exterminator EXT-4Db

Trinary Charlie Striker Star
Phoenix Hawk PHX-1b
Sentinel STN-3Lb
Mongoose MON-66b
Stinger STG-3Gb
Stinger STG-3Gb

Group Shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot

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