It's a small irony in life that one of my absolute oldest units hasn't been thrown up on here prior to now.
Way back when, I had this great storyline idea about the Kuroi Kaze traveling out to the Periphery to build a small 'Mech factory in the ass-end of no where Marian Hegemony planet of Horatius. Not something like the Kell Hounds or Wolf's Dragoons - it was more an outgrowth of the hand tooled custom lines on Solaris VII. So, that was tweaked a bit to be subcontracted by Chandrasekhar Kurita and HTE, with the added caveat that the Kuroi Kaze would spy on the Word of Blake & their Periphery operations.
At the time I started building I Legio Martia Victrix, the "Praetorian Guard," the Word of Blake was still an ally to the Marian Hegemony. That changed as the storyline went, and was completely changed by the time Field Manual: Periphery came out, but I still liked the idea of this bandit kingdom turned legitimate, attempting to stand up with the big dogs out there, like the MoC and TC. I also appreciated that they had a natural foil worked in with the Circinus Federation, and that later on, the CF became a Word puppet state. That gave me these great campaign ideas about the KK and Praetorians hitting the MoC, and the CF, and just working all of this stuff into the universe.
When I built this force, it was kind of as a mix of old and new, and I intentionally switched the gray scheme from the base/camo back and forth on some units. Whilst I Legio is probably the most elite/premier unit the Marians field, it's still a small Periphery nation that just happened to be lucky enough to have a bunch of germanium. Eventually, I'll go through and "upgrade" the full thing to 3050+ standards, but for now, there are still some 3025 staples, and KK/Hegemony rocket launcher designs.
I Legio Martia Victrix "Praetorian Guard"
Prima ManipleMAD-4HKK Marauder II
MAD-4HKK Marauder II
CTF-3X Cataphract
(C3i) HGN-736 Highlander
ARC-6W Archer
Secunda Maniple
GHR-5H Grasshopper
JM6-H JagerMech
CPLT-C1 Catapult
MRP-S7KK Sutekh
HBK-5H Hunchback
Tertia Maniple
CDA-3P Cicada
HER-4WB Hermes
SDR-8M Spider
COM-4H Commando
LDT-1 Brigand
Quartus Maniple
ENF-4R Enforcer
ENF-4R Enforcer
UM-70KK UrbanMech
UM-70KK UrbanMech
UM-70KK UrbanMech
Quintus Maniple
RDS-2A Red Shift
LCT-1V2 Locust
STG-5R Stinger
STG-5R Stinger
STG-5R Stinger
Prima Armor Maniple
Striker Light Tank
Striker Light Tank
Hunter Light Tank
Hunter Light Tank
Secunda Armor Maniple
Demolisher Tank
Demon Tank
Demon Tank
Rommel Tank
Rommel Tank
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