Thursday, January 23, 2014

Roster and Records - Retired

I'll be posting this one as a sticky to track our wins, losses, and campaign achievements. Via Word, I tend to make a brick to follow stats but since I'm not as good at doing it within the framework of blogspot, I'll just keep it up as a roster list.

This is a full-on reset. Only games played from 23 Jan 14 on will count. Campaign ribbons earned previously will still count, however, as they're still on-going. E-mail me the outcome of any games played so that I can keep this as up to date as possible.

100 - Fen
Faction; Clan Wolf (P), Mercenary (S), Draconis Combine (T)
Unit; Golden Keshik/1st Wolf Assault Cluster/13th Battle Cluster/Wolfkin Keshik/11th Battle Cluster (P), Kuroi Kaze (S), Otomo/1st Genyosha (T)

Standard - 17/6  46 Kills
Alpha Strike - 6/5 40 Kills

Ribbons and Awards
Outreach Campaign
Operation: Nachtfalke Campaign
Operation: Frostbite Medal
Ace (Obsidian)
Waterly Memorial Medal (5)

101 - Mitch
Faction; Lyran Alliance (Primary)
Unit; 4th Skye Rangers (Primary)

Standard - 2/0 4 Kills
Alpha Strike - 0/1 4 Kills

Ribbons and Awards
Operation: Frostbite Medal
Waterly Memorial Medal

102 - Rachel
Faction; Word of Blake (Primary)
Unit; SIGNs (Primary), 53rd Shadow Division (Secondary)

Standard - 4/3 5 Kills
Alpha Strike - 5/5 31 Kills

Ribbons and Awards
Outreach Campaign
Ace (Bronze)
Waterly Memorial Medal (5)
Operation: Frostbite Medal

103 - Sean
Faction; Federated Suns (Primary)
Unit; 1st Davion Rangers

Standard - 6/10 23 Kills
Alpha Strike - 4/3 24 Kills

Ribbons and Awards
Standard Bearer
Ace (Platinum)
Waterly Memorial Medal (2)
Operation: Nachtfalke Campaign

104 - Jer (KIA)
Faction; Mercenary (Primary)
Unit; 26th Royal Tyran (Primary)

Standard - 2/1 4 Kills
Alpha Strike - 

Ribbons and Awards
Waterly Memorial Medal (3)

105 - Tiffy (MIA)
Faction; Free Worlds League (Primary)
Unit; 19th Marik Militia (Primary)

Standard - 0/3 1 Kills
Alpha Strike - 

Ribbons and Awards
Waterly Memorial Medal (3)

106 - Jesse
Faction; Clan Ghost Bear (Primary), Capellan Confederation (Secondary)
Unit; 1st Bear Regulars, Tau Galaxy (Primary), Three Kingdoms Lancers (Secondary)

Standard - 2/6 6 Kills
Alpha Strike - 

Ribbons and Awards
Waterly Memorial Medal (2)
Ace (Bronze)
Operation: Nachtfalke Campaign
Operation: Frostbite Medal

107 - Lindsey aka Amanda (KIA)

Standard - 0/1 1 Kills

Ribbons and Awards

108 - Brian

Standard - 0/1 0 Kills

Ribbons and Awards
Waterly Memorial Medal

109 - Poppy

Standard - 0/0 0 Kills
Alpha Strike - 0/0/1

Ribbons and Awards
Waterly Memorial Medal

110 - Kilcoin

Standard - 0/0 0 Kills
Alpha Strike 1/0/1

Ribbons and Awards
Waterly Memorial Medal

Members in Absentia

1XX - Mikal Fangrender
Faction - Mercenary (Primary), Clan Wolf (Secondary)

Standard -
Alpha Strike -

Ribbons and Awards
Operation: Nachtfalke Campaign

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