At any rate, finally got my Cloud Cobra Pharaoh Trinary finished up, minus basing and decals on four. I have another Binary on the drawing board right now, using some Cobra and some Spirit designs to tie the two forces together a bit closer.
Pharaoh Keshik
Command/Star of AnubisTurkina Prime - Khan Din Steiner
Blood Asp A - MechWarrior Najenda (Khatib)
Blood Asp Prime - MechWarrior Leone (Izumi)
Mad Cat Mk II
Scylla 2
Star of Osiris
Savage Coyote C - Star Commander Elias N'Buta
Mad Cat/Timberwolf Prime
Loki/Hellbringer Prime
Night Gyr Prime
Battle Cobra B
Star of Sutekh
Crimson Langur Prime
Cougar A
Cougar Prime
Ryoken/Stormcrow Prime
Stinger IIC
Beta Galaxy
Command/Star of Aten*Blood Kite 2 - saKhan Kieran Telinov
Star of Horus
*Goshawk II
*Black Lanner
*Black Lanner
*Rabid Coyote
*Rabid Coyote
Star of Sobek
Elemental Point Small Laser
*Corona Point
*Corona Point
*Corona Point
*Corona Point
A note on Cloisters; the Cloud Cobras are the most openly religious of Clans, with various faiths represented within the Clan, and without in some cases. I only mention this because of things like the Babylon Diet and and Ka'an Cloister are big parts of the impetus behind the 5th Succession War, in addition to the Coyote feud and a burgeoning tear in the Cobra/Star Adder alliance (due to Burrock inteference).
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