Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Bane of Goldilocks - Unit Spotlight: Clan Ghost Bear

Clan Ghost Bear is one of those weird Clans that I was fond of for a bit, then not fond of at all, then fond of again. A Crusader Clan during the initial Clan Invasion, the loss of some of their Khans put them firmly into the Warden camp. And then they relocated to the Inner Sphere entirely with the help of Clan Snow Raven and their Leviathan-class WarShips. It's probably because I main Clan Wolf. The Bears are a solid rival, even moreso than the Jade Falcons, but with their feud against the Hells Horses winding down, and their eventual absorption of the remaining Rasalhague worlds, I really just want to hammer smash their faces. With a Tomahawk II. And some HAG/30s.

I picked Tau Galaxy because I felt comfortable in doing the paint scheme, mostly, and I tried to plan it out more up front than my normal organic strategy of just buying everything and then deciding what to do with it later. Each star has a task, but of course, they can still be mixed and matched. Despite Tau's status as a second line Galaxy, the 1st Bear Regs field a decent amount of OmniMechs, concentrated mostly in Galaxy Commander Cote's command star. I actually prefer a lot of Clan Ghost Bear's standard BattleMechs for their awesomeness, but especially the Ursus, Arcas, and Grizzly. Just missing a Kodiak and some newer tech like the Bruin for total domination. In addition to the canon Cote, I built a single non-canon NPC in Star Commander Brynhildr Jorgensson. I mean, nothing says "vikings in space!" like a Valkyrie at the helm of a Stone Rhino, quiaff?

Clan Ghost Bear, Tau Galaxy, 1st Bear Regulars
Unit Commander - Galaxy Commander Francois Cote
Aide de Camp - Star Commander Brynhildr Jorgensson
Location - Stanzach, Ghost Bear Dominion

Command Star
Gladiator/Executioner - Galaxy Commander Francois Cote
Vulture/Mad Dog
Ryoken/Storm Crow

Assault Star
Behemoth/Stone Rhino - Star Commander Brynhildr Jorgensson
Beowulf IIC

Wraith Star
Wyvern IIC
Griffin IIC
Bear Cub

Recon Star
Dasher/Fire Moth
Dasher/Fire Moth
Stinger IIC

Salt of the Earth Star
Gnome Point
Gnome Point
Gnome Point
Gnome Point
Gnome Point
(Yeah, I have these, they just aren't... done.)

(Ideas for an Omega Galaxy Force)
Kodiak II
Viking IIC

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