Thursday, March 31, 2016

Importance of Cover

There is a lot to be said about fielding the biggest, most powerful 'Mechs on the table top. However, there is even more to be said about what you do and where you move said 'Mechs.

Last game session, we ran a couple of slobberknockers. First game up, Sean and I went Falcons vs Wolves. I'd say partially from unfamiliarity with the pieces deployed, and partially with some overwhelmingly bad rolls compared to my own, the Falcons were decimated in short order and Ivan Kerensky's Tomahawk once again proved its worth to me. Matching up against Sean's Kraken, I expected a lot of UAC20 splattering everywhere. However, we both wisely targeted weaker opponents and his 'Mechs took the worse of the exchange.

Since we finished early enough (on a Saturday), we went for a round two. Sean switched from Falcons to his Davion Guards, which are finally almost completely assembled. As an added treat, newly-trained Lindsey took the field on his side, running his Nightstar whilst he covered a Templar, Shadowhawk, and RAC Hammerhands. His base looked to be quite well defended. Fresh from trouncing the Falcons, my Wolves were spoiling for some Spheroid conquests. Led by a Timberwolf S, the star of a Savage Wolf A, Uratha Prime, Ice Ferret Prime, and Adder Prime, maneuvered in from the north. WINTER IS COMING, BITCHES! Sorry, shouldn't make Stark references...

So I mentioned movement up above. The first, and biggest mistake of the game, Sean hid his Templar behind the corner of the fort's wall.... Which is at an angle, leaving him directly in the line of sight of the eastern wall. My Wolves hugged tight and it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

At that point, he was ready to call it, but we soldiered on anyway, mostly at Lindsey's urging, so she could get more practice in.

Jump came into play as my forces moved into the base, intent on either killing 'Mechs or buildings. Ah, let's be honest. Those 'Mechs were targets worthy of more honor.

We bounced back and forth, fighting relentlessly...

We got to a good point....

And then we got to a bad point. The Davion forces could not stem the power of the Wolves. Alpha Galaxy, with a Beta Galaxy observer, won the day. Lindsey did great and Sean recovered from the loss of his Templar as he went. BattleTech isn't Warhammer 40k, so a victor is never a foregone conclusion. 

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